A2809-Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin (2016) (pdf)

Nutrient Management for WI Farmers

There are two separate environmental risks, groundwater and surface water, associated with application of nutrients. The Land & Water Conservation Division maintains a GIS layer that identifies areas that have a high risk of negative environmental impacts if nutrients, either organic or commercial, are applied to the soil at critical times of the year or through inappropriate application methods.

The USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service 590 Nutrient Management Code was used as a guide for the development of this layer, which consists of the following components:

1) SOILS - < 20" to bedrock, < 12" to apparent water table, high permeability rates, slope of 6% or greater.
2) SURFACE WATER - areas within 300' of navigable waters (rivers and streams) and areas within 1000' of navigable waters (lakes, ponds or flowage).

As fields are walked, concentrated flow channels are identified.

DATCP Interactive Mapping

Runoff Risk Map Website 
The Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast map shows day-to-day risk of runoff occurring across Wisconsin using National Weather Service forecast methods that consider precipitation, soil moisture and individual basin characteristics.

Manure spreading decisions should be made with consideration of this tool to avoid unnecessary pollution of nearby surface water and groundwater and loss of valuable nutrients for your crops.