Conservation Planning

What is a Conservation Plan?
A conservation plan is a tool designed to help farmers better manage the natural resources on their farm. A soil conservationist will meet with you to evaluate the soil, water, air, plant and animal resources on your property and offer alternatives to address existing resource conditions. The alternatives you decide to use are recorded in your conservation plan which includes a schedule for installation. Implementing the conservation plan will help you protect the environment on and off your farm.

What’s in a Conservation Plan?

  • An aerial photo of your fields
  • A list of your management/rotation decisions
  • A soil map and soil descriptions
  • Information sheets explaining how to carry out your decisions
  • An Operation and Maintenance Plan of practices, if needed.

 Benefits of a Conservation Plan

  • You will protect your soil and your farm's productivity
  • You will help improve water quality in your area
  • You will improve your soil health and manage soil moisture
  • You will protect the productive value of your land for future generations
  • You may comply with the State's Agricultural Performance Standards
  • You may be eligible for USDA farm programs