West Bend, WI – The West Bend facility of Milwaukee Tool, located on River Road, manufactured and donated more than 300 aluminum rods to be used as burial flag posts by the Washington County Veterans Service Office.
“This donation is extremely meaningful and helpful,” said Kurt Rusch, Washington County Veterans Service Officer. “Retail, replacement rods are $10.00 each, and the Washington County flag endowment fund simply could not accommodate that cost and still cover the amount needed for flags this year. It is the citizens of Washington County and corporate citizens like Milwaukee Tool who truly enrich our authentic quality of life here in Washington County!”
Each year Washington County volunteers and members of the public place over 6000 flags in almost 100 cemeteries across Washington County. Each of those flags is placed in a military grave marker supported by an aluminum post. Over time, these posts get worn down or damaged and need to be replaced. “Milwaukee Tool really stepped up, it wasn’t a question of if they would help, it was just a question of how much help we needed,” said Rusch.
For more information related to the placement of flags or the honoring of our deceased Washington County Veterans, please visit the Washington County Veteran Webpage at https://www.washcowisco.gov/departments/veterans_services