Washington County Highway Department Construction & Projects

Washington County road construction is prioritized on the basis of need and roads are built with federal aid if possible with contracts let to the lowest bidder. The Department's 6-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies construction and resurfacing projects from 2024 to 2029. All County and State projects displayed are subject to change.

6-Year Capital Improvement Plan (2024-2029)



CTH P Reconstruction (STH 145 to STH 60)

Washington County is planning to reconstruct CTH P from STH 145 to STH 60 in 2024. The purpose of the project is to address a deteriorating pavement structure and cross culverts, and evaluate the vertical geometry and sight distance of the roadway. Proposed improvements include reconstructing the roadway to improve vertical profiles, increase sight distances, add turn lanes, widen the paved shoulder, replace deteriorating cross culverts, and extend an existing box culvert to enhance safety and efficiency of the roadway.

The WisDOT funded project limits are from WIS 145 to approximately 300’ north of Sherman Road. The Washington County funded project limits are from approximately 300’ north of Sherman Road to WIS 60. The section of County P being improved will be closed to through traffic during construction with a posted detour. 

CTH P - STH 145 to Sherman Rd segment

CTH P - Sherman Rd to STH 60 segment

  • Construction Summer of 2024
  • County Let project - will be advertised in winter of 2023/2024
  • Final Plan
  • Final Spec

Public Informational Meeting #2 (5/9/24)

PIM #2 Notice
PIM #2 Handout
PIM #2 Presentation
PIM #2 Detour

Public Informational Meeting #1 (4/14/22)

PIM #1 Notice
PIM #1 Handout
PIM #1 Display Map - STH 145 to Western
PIM #1 Display Map - Western to Sherman
PIM #1 Display Map - Sherman to STH 60
CTH S / CTH R / STH 175 Intersections - DONE AND ROAD OPEN!

The Washington County Highway Department held a public informational meeting on Thursday, May 26th, 2022, in the Town of Addison to present and discuss conceptual improvements to the intersections of CTH S and CTH R, CTH S and STH 175, and CTH R and STH 175. Public input was gathered in 2022 as we strive to develop a project that will serve the needs of the traveling public as well as the needs of the local community. The Public Works Committee discussed the results of the public informational meeting at their June 16, 2022 meeting. The Public Works Committee approved option A at their July 21, 2022 meeting. The County Board unanimously approved option A at their August 10, 2022 meeting. Construction was completed in 2024.

Alternate A #2 
Alternate A

30% Design Plan

PIM Presentation



CTH A Bridge Reconstruction

Existing Condition #2

The existing bridge on CTH A east of CTH M in the Town of Farmington, Structure B-66-944, is structurally deficient and functionally obsolete with a sufficiency rating of 36.1 out of 100, and it has a substandard roadway width of 24 feet. The concrete deck has heavy cracking throughout, has required repeated deck patching, and has exposed rebar on the curbing and side faces. The steel girders have heavy corrosion near the deck drains and along the top flanges. The abutments and piers have cracking, delaminations, and spalling. The heavily rusted metal railing is missing sections of posts and rail. There are large farms in the area that utilize this road with their wide farm equipment. This bridge sees heavy recreational use from kayakers and canoeists as a drop off/pickup location.

Since the bridge’s deteriorated condition dictates the need for a full replacement, Washington County is proposing to construct a three span, concrete haunched bridge, with concrete abutments and piers supported on piles. The current alignment will be maintained. The proposed profile will flatten the crest vertical curve lowering the profile by less than 1 foot. The proposed bridge will have a 40-ft clear width for vehicles. Approach guardrail will be upgraded to current standards. The Riverside Road intersection will be relocated to the west allowing the installation of standard guardrail on the approach to the structure.

The bridge is currently scheduled to be reconstructed in 2025. A public information meeting (PIM) was held on September 12,2023, to inform the public of the project and gather feedback.

PIM Handout

PIM Presentation

PIM Comment Form

Project Detour Route

Project Plan & Profile

Typical Sections

Project Location Map #2



CTH M - Pioneer Rd to STH 60 & STH 60 to South Curves (Reconstruction)

The purpose of the project is to address a deteriorating pavement structure and cross culverts and evaluate/improve safety by addressing substandard intersections, vertical geometry and sight distance along the roadway.

Proposed improvements include reconstructing the roadway to improve vertical profiles, increase sight distances, add turn lanes, widen the paved shoulder and replace deteriorating cross culverts to enhance safety and efficiency of the roadway. The improvement project is currently scheduled for 2025 construction between Pioneer Road and STH 60 and 2027 construction between STH 60 and the south curves.

public involvement meeting will be held on Thursday June 29, 2023 at the Jackson Town Hall (3146 Division Rd, Jackson, WI 53037) from 6:00-7:30 p.m. if you'd like to learn more about the project. 

Public Informational Meeting #1 (6/29/23)

60% Design Plan - Pioneer to STH 60

60% Design Plan - STH 60 to south curve (Park Manor Ct)

PIM #1 Comment Form

PIM #1 Handout

PIM #1 Display 1 - Pioneer-Western

PIM #1 Display 2 - Western-Sherman

PIM #1 Display 3 - Sherman-STH 60

PIM #1 Display 4 - STH 60-north

PIM #1 Plan-North

PIM #1 Plan-South

PIM #1 Presentation


WisDOT Construction Projects In Washington County

For updates and information regarding WisDOT construction projects in Washington County and southeastern Wisconsin, please visit:
http://projects.511wi.gov/region/southeast/ or call 511.