Instructions for online tax payments:
A tax parcel search allows a user to locate a real estate tax parcel using one search filter (last name OR street number and street name example: Washington vs. East Washington). Less is more. Choose and click on a specific real estate tax parcel red number in order to investigate it in more detail. Scroll to the Tax History section and click on Pay Taxes to start tax payment and proceed as directed.

Please note that online payments tendered will be assessed a one-time convenience fee based on the total amount due. Convenience fees are in addition to the amount(s) owed and are calculated as follows:
• CREDIT CARDS: A 2.20% convenience fee will be charged for Credit card payment. The convenience fee is based on the total amount due.
•DEBIT CARDS: A $3.50 convenience fee will be charged for Debit card payments. The convenience fee is a flat rate and will be added to the total amount due.
•E-CHECKS: A $0.50 convenience fee will be charged for E-Check.
You will have the opportunity to review the total amount due with the convenience fee prior to payment submission.
While you will be paying fees to Washington County Wisconsin Treasurer, the full amount of the convenience fee is paid to Municipal Services Bureau (MSB) as the provider of this online payment service.